Sunday, May Kinstler will perform with Chayce Beckham and Willie Spence. Kennedy, 16, left the competition last week after a controversial video surfaced on social media.
The three-second video shows Kennedy sitting beside someone who appears to be wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood. Kennedy has said he was 12 at the time. To get ready for her performance, Bishop worked with producer and singer-songwriter Finneas , brother to pop star Billie Eilish. He developed a keen interest for jazz music. I then got my first gig as a backing vocalist at the age of 13," Sia Msizi said. Sia Mzizi plans to use his exposure on the show to his benefit by securing a few collaborations with artists in the music industry.
So, a collaboration with him would be amazing. This is why at this stage of the competition I keep on stressing the fact that the remaining contestants cannot afford to be complacent.
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