By there were two faculty with release time for athletics, one full-time faculty, and four graduate assistants. The program was accessible to any students who met the minimal qualifications for admission. Student admission to the program stayed constant at students.
By over students seeking one of the 15 available seats. There were two full-time faculty and a new position, head athletic trainer, was created. There were three graduate assistants. In two additional graduate assistants were employed to assist with mentoring of students. During the academic year, despite financial constraints, the program was successful in creating a new permanent position assistant athletic trainer , which became effective in the fall of Three graduate assistant positions were eliminated to create this position.
Back to Titletown. Athletic training has come a long way over the years. The first athletic trainers had no real technical training and mainly provided rub downs. William E. This progress continued into the early s, when collegiate curriculums and national certification exam requirements were established. Athletic Trainers can be found in many areas of healthcare including but not limited to: high school, collegiate, and professional sports, physician offices, military and tactical organizations, the performing arts, hospitals, health clubs, olympic sports and more.
The world would not be the same without Athletic Trainers, and we have those who make up our history to thank for it. Click here to learn more. Skip to content. In , became an independent non-profit corporation and soon later changed its name to the Board of Certification BOC. Nowadays you can find Athletic trainers in a variety of settings. Here are just a few:. He is also a Corrective Exercise Specialist.