When was tanzania revenue authority established

Duty Free threshold for a person who has been outside partner states for a period in excess of 24 hours. Motor vehicles are used by many and unspecified persons on public roads and they are given social recognition only after been inspected and registered. Motor vehicles are also subject to deterioration and wear of both the structure and equipment and sometimes their shapes and modified.

What are the laws governing registration of motor vehicles? The registration of motor vehicles in Tanzania Mainland is governed by:. The objective of this system is to monitor and control the issuance of driving licences with a view to addressing the problem of fake licences which are the cause for many road accidents. This is because the system allows everybody to obtain any licence and drive any car one prefers. However under the current system holders of driving licence of certain class will be obliged to drive only such a class upon which he was tested for and not otherwise.

At the initial stage the applicant will have to undergo biometric measures and finger prints. Who are the beneficiaries of tax incentives? Tax incentives are mainly in the form of enhanced capital deductions and allowances.

This section consists of different types of publications. The related publications can be accessed from specific group. TRA is implementing the Fourth Corporate Plan whose Vision is to increase domestic revenue through enhancement of voluntary tax compliance. This will be achieved through improving efficiency in tax administration and widening the tax base in order to collect more revenue especially from specialized sector namely Mining, Oil and Gas, Telecommunications, Tourisim, Constructions, Real estate, Financial sector, High net-worth individual HNWI and Incomes from the informal sector.

In the event of conflict of interpretation between this Charter and the tax laws, the proper interpretation of the law shall prevail. What is Electronic Fiscal Device? Electronic Fiscal Device EFD means a machine designed for use in business for efficient management controls in areas of sales analysis and stock control system and which conforms to the requirements specified by the laws.

The device is used by retail business that issue receipts manually. The device is used by computerized retail outlets. It is connected to a computer network and stores every sale transactions or details made in its fiscal memory. The device is designed to authenticate by signing any personal computer PC produced financial document such as tax invoice.

The device is designed for use in Petrol Stations. It is connected to a pump and printed every receipt during the sale transactions. The supplier of the machine will install, configure and attend the malfunctioning of the machine within 48 hours.

Implementation of the second phase of Electronic Fiscal Devise EFD begun since year , with the aim to expand the number of traders who shall use the EFD system to issue receipts or tax invoice in every transaction made. Implementation of the second phase of EFD shall include the following groups;. The system is ongoing and the Authority shall gradually be registering traders basing on traders business prosperity, experience and capacity.

YES NO. Toggle Navigation. You are here: Home. What is the scope of VAT? Income tax return guide for individuals Article Count: 5 Individuals are categorized in two groups, small individual traders who are not required to maintain audited accounts and the medium individual traders who are required to maintain audited accounts.

Conditions which qualify to be in Presumptive tax system. Rates of tax under presumptive tax System. Rates of tax for individuals who prepare Audited Accounts Taxpayers under this category are taxed basing on their profits. The statement of estimated tax payable. A taxpayer must file a final tax return to TRA within six months after the end of each tax year.

E Return of Income — Individual What records should be maintained by a taxpayer? Submitting the return Do not delay submitting the return to TRA, even if you do not have all the information you need. Employee means: An employee means an individual who is a subject of an employment conducted by an employer. Employer means: An employer means a person who conducts, has conducted or has prospect of conducting the employment of an individual. Full time service director means: Means a person at a managerial position and is in full time service in a corporation.

Administration of PAYE An employer is required to withhold income tax from salaries, wages and all other payments forming taxable income paid to an employee. Withholding tax Article Count: 1.

Capital Gains tax Article Count: 5 Capital Gain from Realisation of Interest in Land or Buildings Realisation of interest in land and Building A person who owns an interest in land or building shall be treated as realising the asset when the person parts with ownership of such interest including when it is sold, exchanged, transferred, distributed, cancelled, redeemed, destroyed or surrendered and in the case of interest of an entity when it ceases to exist, immediately before the entity ceases to exist.

Stamp duty Article Count: 1. Excise Duty Article Count: 5 Excise Duty Excise Duty is a duty charged on specific goods and services manufactured locally or imported on varying rates. Items charged under ad-valorem rates include: Money transfer services, electronic communication services, pay to view television services, imported furniture, motor vehicles, plastic bags, specified aircrafts, firearms, specified cases, cosmetics and medicaments. Excise duty shall become due and payable in respect of: a any scheduled article imported, by the importer thereof at the time immediately before the article ceases to be subject to customs control or at such other time as may be directed by the Minister in the Gazette, b any scheduled article manufactured in the United Republic of Tanzania, by the manufacturer: i upon sale of the article by him, or ii upon the article ceasing to be subject to customs control, or iii upon removal of the article from the premises where it manufactured, whichever first occurs.

Introduction to Objection and Appeals Tanzanian tax laws allow any person who feels aggrieved to request a formal change to an official decision regarding tax assessment made by the Commissioner General. Assessment of Tax Is an assessment of tax as determined or ascertained in each respective tax law.

Disputed Assessment Is an assessment made by the Commissioner General and the taxpayer disagrees with such tax findings. Tax not in dispute Means the amount that ought to be charged where the assessments or a tax decision is amended in accordance with objections and the whole of duty or any tax assessed on import. Office Burundais des Recettes. South African Revenue Service. I ntroduction. System Impact Notification. Government Budget Speech Toll free in Tanzania.

Alternative Number :. WhatsApp Number. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Quarterly reports. Internal audit and periodic audit reports. Vesting of assets and liabilities, subsisting contracts and pending proceedings.

Construction and modification of other laws. Application for TIN not to be the basis of provisional assessment of tax on certain cases. An Act to establish the Tanzania Revenue Authority as a central body for the assessment and collection of specified revenue, to administer and enforce the laws relating to such revenue and to provide for related matters.

Acts Nos. Establishment of the Authority Act No. Functions of the Authority Act No. This section of the article is only available for our subscribers. Please click here to subscribe to a subscription plan to view this part of the article.


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