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Animals Wild Cities Morocco has 3 million stray dogs. Meet the people trying to help. Animals Whales eat three times more than previously thought. Environment Planet Possible India bets its energy future on solar—in ways both small and big. Environment As the EU targets emissions cuts, this country has a coal problem. Paid Content How Hong Kong protects its sea sanctuaries. History Magazine These 3,year-old giants watched over the cemeteries of Sardinia.
Magazine How one image captures 21 hours of a volcanic eruption. Science Why it's so hard to treat pain in infants. It was published on Oct. If Amelia Earhart had made it, the world would have hailed her as a hero. But by disappearing while trying to circumnavigate the globe, she became something much more enigmatic and enduring: a mystery.
The mystery may never be solved, which is probably just as well. Among them:. President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew the Japanese had imprisoned her but kept quiet about it. What is it about a mystery that intrigues us so? Is it the answer, or the question? Probably neither. The puzzling out of the question is the point, and it can lead to obsession.
Our century has specialized in such obsessions, most of them cloaked in conspiracy theories. Did gunfire come from the grassy knoll? Did Princess Anastasia escape a Bolshevik firing squad? Did a spaceship crash near Roswell? Physical evidence is called for here, because the eyewitness accounts of Earhart remain dubious at best. One Saipanese woman claimed she saw it all: Japanese soldiers led Earhart into a pit, ripped off her blindfold and shot her.
The search continues. From the beginning, however, debate has raged over what actually happened on July 2, and afterward. According to this theory, they lived for a period of time as castaways on the tiny, uninhabited island, and eventually died there. But they did report seeing signs of recent habitation, though no one had lived on the atoll since In , British officials retrieved a partial human skeleton from a remote part of Nikumaroro; a physician subsequently measured the bones and concluded they came from a man.
A competing theory argues that when they failed to reach Howland Island, Earhart and Noonan were forced to land in the Japanese-held Marshall Islands. According to this theory, the Japanese captured Earhart and Noonan and took them to the island of Saipan, some 1, miles south of Tokyo, where they tortured them as presumed spies for the U.
They later died in custody possibly by execution. Beginning in the s, some proponents of this theory have argued that a New Jersey woman named Irene Bolam was in fact Earhart. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present.
Amelia Earhart was an American aviator who set many flying records and championed the advancement of women in aviation. She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, and the first person ever to fly solo from Hawaii to the U.
During a flight to First woman to make a transatlantic flight In Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic as a passenger with pilots Wilmer Stultz and Luis Gordon.
With this feat she gained international attention, providing an opportunity for her to become a On July 2, , near the end of her pioneering flight around the world, Amelia Earhart vanished somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.