But we'll talk about that later. Last Edited: 11 Sep am. The Battle with your Rival If you try and leave town through the north exit Route 24 , you will once again have to battle Gary. Burglarized House You can't enter the house in the northeast until later in the game. Later: Unknown Dungeon Here's another area you won't be able to access until later in the game.
Was this guide helpful? YES NO. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! I'm not a very good pokemon gamer and I've been having some issues. I'm completely stuck. I can't get past Vermilion City. There's a snorlax in the way. Unfortunately, the gates are barred, so you'll need to find a way around. You can catch a Growlithe by using Cut on the tree to get into the fenced area, which will come in handy against the Celadon City Gym Leader.
Enter the building to the north of the Saffron City gates. This building will allow you to access the Underground Path. This tunnel will pop you out on Route 7, right out of Celadon City. Do some training on Route 7. The small patch of grass on Route 7 is a great place to do some training before you take on the Gym Leader in Celadon City.
Enter Celadon City. Head to the upper-left corner of Route 7 to enter Celadon City. This is one of the largest cities in Kanto, so you'll find a whole lot to do here. Part 4. Check out the Department Store.
The Celadon City Department Store is one of the best places to buy items in the game. You can get a variety of TMs and stones here, as well as any recovery item. You can also buy Great Balls, which are perfect for capturing elusive Pokemon. Visit the Celadon Mansion to open Saffron City.
Talk to the Old Lady on the first floor of the Mansion to receive some Tea. Take this to the guard outside of the Saffron City gates to gain access to the City. Get an Eevee. Beat Erika at the Celadon City Gym. Erika will likely be one of the easiest Gym Leaders that you face. This is because she uses Grass-type Pokemon, which have a large number of weaknesses. Fire, Ice, Bug, and Flying will all be effective against her Pokemon.
Walk into the arcade and examine the poster in the back. You'll find a switch here, which will reveal the entrance to the Team Rocket hideout. You'll have to make your way through several floors of Rocket goons before facing off against Giovanni.
Giovanni's team are vulnerable to Grass, Water, and Fighting Pokemon. Defeating Giovanni will cause him to leave his Silph Scope behind. Take the Silph Scope back to Lavender Town. Beat the grunts to get to Giovanni, then beat him to get the silph scope and go and save Mr Fuji.
Not Helpful 4 Helpful TM60 Megahorn. Reward for defeating Coach Trainer Harjit, after becoming Champion. Received from Trace outside Cerulean Cave after catching Mewtwo.
Berserk Gene. Near where the entrance to Cerulean Cave used to be requires Surf hidden. Southeast of the entrance to Cerulean Cave requires Surf hidden.
HG SS. Fishing Old Rod. Fishing Good Rod. Fishing Super Rod. Trade Poliwhirl. Rattata Alolan Form. Trade Rattata. Red, Green , and Blue. Reward: Pidgeotto Lv. Quick Attack. Abra Lv. Rattata Lv. Tail Whip. Hyper Fang. Charmander Lv. Squirtle Lv. Water Gun. Bulbasaur Lv.
Leech Seed. Vine Whip. Spearow Lv. Fury Attack. Sandshrew Lv. Eevee Lv. Rocket Reward: FireRed and LeafGreen. Keen Eye.
Metal Claw. Sleep Powder. Team Rocket Grunt Reward: Trainers with a Vs. No Ability. Sand Attack. Poison Powder. Double Kick. Thunder Shock. Master Trainer. Reward: 19, Light Screen.
Tri Attack. Dark Pulse. Shadow Ball.