Where is code on pampers wipes

Turn on push notifications to learn about special offers, tap the offer to activate, and scan codes to earn. Inside each package of Pampers diapers or training pants you'll find a small white label with your Pampers Club code. Wipes rewards codes are printed either directly onto the pack refills or on a white sticker tubs.

Here are some additional tips for finding the codes. If it's not visible, turn the bag inside out. If the stickers aren't visible, turn the bags inside out. All codes are printed directly on the individual wipes packages on the outside of each package or under the back seam. Be sure to look on all sides as the Pampers Club codes may not always be in the same place.

For multi-packs: each pouch has a Pampers Club code. Yes, you can. Visit our Pampers Club catalog to browse through the list of rewards available to you. Your Pampers Cash will not expire as long as you remain an active member. You can find all your Pampers Club orders and promotional codes in the app. Go to your profile the head icon and them My Rewards.

There you can see a history of all orders you have placed. For a gift card orders, you will receive an email with the redemption code. For most other items, you will be able to find the redemption code directly in the app.

The code for your gift card will be sent to the email address registered to your Pampers Club account. You'll also find free bonus Pampers Rewards codes available without having to purchase Pampers products.

The app is the best way to use Pampers Rewards. Use the gift icon at the bottom of the app to open the list of items you can redeem your points for. Tap an item that matches the number of points you want to spend. Choose Add to my cart and then check out to finish the order. After you've scanned your Pampers Rewards code, you'll receive your points in your account within 24 hours, if not instantly.

Digital items you order from your reward points will arrive within 24 hours. Other items, like toys or gift cards, might take up to weeks, but should typically arrive sooner. Pampers Rewards is available to parents in the United States and Canada. If you live in Canada, you'll need to register at Pampers Canada to take part in the program. Your Pampers Rewards points will never expire as long as your account is active throughout the year.

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Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. Types of Rewards. How to Get Codes. How to Redeem Codes. When to Expect Rewards. Program Limits. Privacy Information. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up.


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