Where is loxwood

Loxwood on a map Bounding box showing extent of Loxwood. Location of Loxwood within the UK. Source: Ordnance Survey Open Names. Licence: Open Government Licence. Source: Ordnance Survey County Boundaries.

Location of Loxwood within West Sussex. Location of Loxwood within RH Source: Wikipedia: List of postcode districts in the United Kingdom. Loxwood is 7 miles north-east of Petworth. Loxwood is 8 miles east of Haslemere. Loxwood is 8 miles west of Horsham.

Where is Warnham Railway Station? Where is West Worthing? Where is Coombes? Where is Crawley District? Where is Houghton? Where is Loxwood in England? Loxwood is situated in the region West Sussex in England! Where is Loxwood on the map? Google Maps.

Info Statistics and Geographics United Kingdom is made up of cities in regions. Permission was sought of the Bishop at Chichester in for a chapel to be built in Loxwood. The present shops in Loxwood were once known as the Combination Stores, which was run by the Cokelers. This was the nickname of a branch of a religious sect called the Dependent Brethren. John Sirgood who preached at Clapham thought the people in the country might be more receptive so he and his wife set out with their belongings in a handcart.

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