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Mistralton City is a city located in the western part of Unova. The surrounding area is dominated by mountains and forestland, making it a rather difficult place to get to on foot. Chargestone Cave is to the south of the city, with Route 7 and Twist Mountain to the north. Like many areas in the western part of the region, it has a cool climate and often rains.
Conveniently, both the Move Deleter and the Reminder girl are here. In the western part of the city, the Mistralton Cargo Service building is found by the entrance to the airport.
It doubles up as a control tower to keep the skies safe and the flights problem-free. A woman in here will give you a Heart Scale in exchange for ten Sweet Hearts. Past the cargo service building you'll find the runway, with the Mistralton City Gym - a converted airplane hangar- at the north end. The south section of the runway differs between Black and White.
In White, there are fields with vegetables grown by natural means, whereas greenhouses litter the area in Black. It seems that the vegetables grown here are the main cargo being flown to other regions. This is where you'll meet Professor Juniper 's dad for the first time. Great Ball. Ultra Ball. Super Potion.
Hyper Potion. Max Potion 7 Badges. Full Restore 8 Badges. Parlyz Heal. Burn Heal. Ice Heal. Full Heal. Escape Rope. Super Repel. Max Repel. TM07 Hail.
TM11 Sunny Day. TM18 Rain Dance. TM37 Sandstorm. Among the greenhouses at the southern end of the runway hidden. Among the vegetable patches at the southern end of the runway hidden. Max Ether. Sharp Beak. From a Veteran in the Cargo Service building. TM58 Sky Drop. TM40 Aerial Ace. B2 W2. Master Ball. Flying Gem. Between first and second plane, from the Gym's side hidden. Thunder Knuckle.
Our Pokedex is far easier to use -- and complete! The Gym Leader Skyla will also meet you here, but she travels to Celestial Tower to the northeast, where you'll have to meet her before taking on the Gym. In the Move Family house east of the Pokemon Center you can teach Pokemon moves they've forgotten in exchange for a Heart Scale or help them forget moves they already know for free, even HMs.
You can find Heart Scales in the wild or get them from the lady in the house in Driftveil who asks to see specific Pokemon daily. Some Pokemon can learn a move called Hidden Power. A boy in the Pokemon Center can reveal what Type the attack will be if you talk to him. This item will improve your Flying Type Pokemon's attacks. You cannot go to the Gym until you explore the Celestial Tower on Route 7. Take the northeast exit to get there.