Trail Ridden Direction The intended direction a trail should be ridden. Contribute Details Colors indicate trail is missing specified detail. Trail Popularity? Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine which trails are ridden the most in the last 9 months.
Trails are compared with nearby trails in the same city region with a possible 25 colour shades. Ridelog Year All-time Activity Recordings Trailforks users anonymized public skilogs from the past 12 months. Jump Magnitude Heatmap. Heatmap of where riders jump on trails. Zoom in to see individual jumps, click circles to view jump details. Trails Deemphasized Trails are shown in grey. Login or register to submit one. Primary Trail Type: Cross-Country.
Activities Click to view. Region Details. Local Trail Association. Donate Trail Karma. Stats Avg Trail Rating. Recent Ridelog Activity in Region Today 11 rides. Yesterday 9 rides. Past Week rides. Nov 1, am. Jan 21, near Fairfax, CA. Dec 9, near Woodacre, CA.
Dec 20, near Fairfax, CA. Jan 2, near Woodacre, CA. Jul 4, near Fairfax, CA. Show 12 More Photos. Comment Type:. Add Check-In. Rate Quality. Rate Difficulty Easy. Very Difficult.
Save Check-In. Sep 4, Awesome trail, amazing views. I wiped out 3 different places, was not ready for this after just a couple of months mountain biking.
Will be back! May 9, With Gabe. In a hurry so didn't get to stop and smell the roses. Playful, some sections on steep hillsides, and decent technical sections. Go to Spot Great trails, great views Rode from the house. Slow going when you aren't good, but that endor trail was so fun had to loop back for a second lap.
For this 1st time I used the GPX file. We gave the pass on place. Solo on a windy day — 9h 30m. One of my best biking experience ever. Great trail 9. Great trail definitely a work out! I'm definitely coming back. Btw those rock gardens will definitely show you what kind of technical skills you have Wildly difficult.
Fun climbs and great descents. Well maintained and unique trailhead where you ride in from town. Some pretty tricky climbs, switchbacks, and technical XC. I'd definitely echo the person who said it feels like more up than down, but a great ride!
Wehbs Cain broke. Walked half. Sick flow trail Awesome 15mi — 2h 00m. Flow section is legit. Carry some speed and get your flow on. I hiked this trail and it is amazing. Definitely not 8. I clocked Lots of it is shaded.
You will see frequent changes in the ecosystem. This is a mountain biking trail and I was the only hikers I came across. Good mixed of technical, climbs with switchbacks and rolling downhills.
Difficult at times but great single track mountain bike course. Must have permit to bike here, Rangers spot check on trail. Easy to get day permits at local bike stores. Bring lots of ICE! A sentiment I overheard from an anonymous young rider and fully endorse was "get me off this bitch!
The trail however is pure gnarl. The most critical apexes of the numerous switchbacks are narrow and littered with huge boulders. Many turns are so sharp and vertical that you cannot put a foot down. So whether climbing or descending you're going to need lots of brake and a lower than normal saddle height.
Before even starting the ride I saw one guy with a pinch flat, another with a snapped handle bar with his arm in a sling, another with a bent derailleur hanger. On the top of the ascent which I survived, I mentioned to my buddies that there was probably no dearth of helicopter "life flights" out of this place. Indeed I had my own near death experience on the descent. I have a Cannondale Flash 29er hardtail On Sat. I would have given a left nut for a full suspension rig.
The rock gardens are numerous I started getting tired and went over the bars. I cartwheeled over boulders rag dolling for a good feet. My back, shoulder, right elbow contused , knee contusion and left wrist contusion got scraped and bruised up good no breaks thank you sweet Jesus. Returned to my bike to find both hydraulic brake actuators had disengaged from the plungers, handlebars off center by 20 degrees and chain off.
I continued my folly by attempting the decent conservatively, that is with plungers attached to the brake actuators with constant hand pressure. Somewhere along the trail the brakes lost all pressure. I didn't make this revelation till hurtling toward a switchback and lost all brakes.
I laid it down, snapping a finger and further embedding unneeded gravel and branches into my torn flesh. Crowded, exposed and potentially deadly. The ice? Ice that shit after you crash. You'll heal much faster. Use Navigator in the AllTrails app and join the other outdoor explorers who have completed this trail. Camp Tamarancho Loop hard Length Tamarancho trails are some of the more challenging in the Bay Area, and tons of fun.
This loop is very popular with mountain bikers and is located in the heart of the birthplace of mountain biking. This loop is considered by many to be the best single-track riding in the Bay Area and is not recommended for beginners. It features rock gardens, tight switchbacks, groves of redwood trees, and Endor, the first flowtrail built in the Bay Area.
Starting in downtown Fairfax, this route climbs to the start of the classic 6-mile loop which includes many technical climbs, a newly constructed flow trail and many fun descents. It's strongly advised that you ride in a clockwise direction.
Permits are available at local Fairfax bike shops, or you can go to www. There is parking at - downtown Fairfax and up at White Hill school. Roadside parking is also available on Sir Francis Drake. Marin County Open Space. There is no parking on Iron Springs Road or inside of Camp Tamarancho, so if you're riding your bike you'll have to park down in Fairfax and ride up to the trailhead.
Reviews Sort by:. Daniel Anderson. September 21, Upcoming Events. Endor Flow Trail Details Activities. Mountain Bike E-Bike. Blue rate. Blue 6 votes. Downhill Only Popular direction shown. Yes up to Class 1. Local Trail Association. Marin County Bicycle Coalition. Avg: 4. Layers w. Trail Style. Direction Trail Flow Color Deemphasized. Trails on Wishlist Yes No login Activity Type. Save this map view. Trail Flow Ridden Direction Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden.
A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension.