Where to find nettles pottermore

Make sure that you have purchased all the required books for your second year at Hogwarts. Refer to your Shopping List for help. Get the books that are still not crossed out.

You will find potion ingredients just by exploring the scenes in Pottermore. You get a house point too if it is your first time discovering the ingredient.

Please make the effort to find them yourself! Note: You need to be logged into Pottermore for these links to work. After using or giving it away , one of them will not reappear on the scenes. For a full list of prices and exact locations of free ingredients, refer to this very useful post on tumblr. Yes, but the game it set in a way that you will definitely need to buy an ingredient from the Apothecary at Diagon Alley. Refer to the link above and spend your Galleons wisely.

Cauldrons differ in the amount of time needed to heat up and brew. This means your cauldron choice will affect how difficult it is to keep the temperature within a certain range. A copper cauldron may be quick to warm up but it also means that temperature will be harder to control.

Whether if it is the simple Pewter, Copper or Brass, it will all take the same waiting time to brew until Pottermore makes the necessary changes.

In a recent update however, brewing time is affected by cauldron type. See next section for details. You can leave your cauldron for a maximum of twice the time it takes to brew a potion. Once a potion is ready to move onto the second phase, a second timer that is as long as time to brew will start counting down.

For example, if Cure for Boils takes 40 minutes to brew, you can return after 40 minutes, but not after 80 minutes. You will fail to brew your potion correctly, but you will not lose or gain any points. You get to keep your cauldron too. Use a mobile phone, or something with that function. Do people still use kitchen timers?

Results are the same for all potions, whether if it is a Sleeping Draught or Cure for Boils. However, points awarded for potions are now different.

See next section. Recently, the scoring system has changed and successful attempts no longer always award 5 House Points. Pay attention to the animation of your ingredients falling into your cauldron.

Whenever you add something, it takes a moment for it to fall into your cauldron — Yes I know, common sense tells you that they should just plop right in, not disintegrate into tiny pieces and descend gently. Best to keep track of the little counter next to your cauldron before moving on to the next step.

You can also check your potion book and ensure that it has been crossed out. Also note that some ingredients are handled in multiple quantities — For example, you will always take 3x snake fangs. Hence, if a recipe requires 6 snake fangs, you should only take it twice 3 fangs, 2 servings. You have three buttons. Pay attention to the thermometer next to your cauldron, especially the marked out zones. You cannot allow the heat level to go beyond this zone. For some challenging potions, you will need to alternate between the Blue and Orange buttons to keep the level stable within the small safe zone.

You will not lose your ingredients and will simply start off in the first stage. I can no longer suggest doing this — it has been patched recently and using the back button will deplete ingredients in your inventory. I have lost quite a few brews because of some technical issues, probably because my Pottermore login cookie expired BUT the Potions game does not know and still allows me to continue. The game might glitch up and reset your potion back to the first phase, or worse, you might be stuck in serious glitch where Pottermore still thinks that you have a potion brewing!

Nettles could also be made into a soup , and were rumoured to improve the glossiness of one's hair. When trying to persuade Professor Severus Snape to attend Rubeus Hagrid 's suprise birthday party in by gifting him potion ingredients, Jacob's sibling found dried nettles in the Artefact Room at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with help from Ben Copper and Penny Haywood.

Harry Potter Wiki Explore. Rowling Story. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. Padfoot- The nickname of Sirius Black given to him by his friends when he was at school. Paracelsus- A person who appears on the first chocolate frog card and has a bust of him in the route from the Gryffindor common room to the owlery. He would stand on the side of the field with a butcher knife to scare the other team. She attended the Yule ball with Malfoy, and is often seen hanging around him.

She and her sister are both members of the D. She has long dark hair and is said to be the prettiest girl in their grade along with her sister. She attended the Yule ball with Harry. Her favorite subject is divination, and her favorite teacher is Trelawney.

She also joined the D. Peakes, Glanmore- Was famous for slaying a sea serpent. Peakes, Jimmy- A boy described as short but broad-chested and in his third year. He made the Gryffindor quidditch team. Peasegood, Abraham- A wizard who invented the game of Quodpot.

He likes to throw things around and play pranks on students and teachers. He is only afraid of the Bloody Baron, who can usually control him. Penfriend- Not an actual name; This refers to the girl that Bill wrote to and invited Bill to come and visit her in Brazil. Pennifold, Daisy- Made up the idea to make the quaffle fall slowly so it will not hit the floor of the quidditch pitch. Now, the modern quaffle is named after her.

Perkins- A warlock who used to work with Mr. Weasley in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office Mr. Weasley was promoted. He also lent Mr. Weasley tents for the Quidditch world cup.

Pettigrew, Peter- Supposedly dead, a friend of James Potter when he was a student. He is an animagus; transforming into a rat. He then betrayed James Potter and his wife, telling Voldemort where they were. He was their secret keeper for where they were hiding this how he knew where they were. James and Lily were killed, and Voldemort lost his powers due to their son, Harry Potter. He gave his hand to Voldemort for his rebirth. He is the one that found Voldemort and nursed him back to health.

Marvolo Gaunt said that this ring had been in his family for generations, all pure blood. Philpott, Arkie- After tightened up security, this wizard got a probity probe stuck up his —. Platt, Yardley- A famous goblin killer. He holds the record for the fastest time catching the snitch; 3. Plunkett, Mirabella- Fell in love with a merman, and transformed herself into a paddock when he refused to marry her. He is charged with trespassing into the ministry of magic and at attempted Robbery.

He is convicted and was sentenced to 6 months in Azkaban. Poliakoff- A student from Durmstrang who is ignored by Karkaroff like the others because he is busy with the champion Victor Krum. Karkaroff asked Victor Krum if he would like some wine, and he said no. Poliakoff said he would, and Karkaroff yelled at him saying that he did not need any.

Potter, Harry James — Harry James Potter is the most important character in the entire Harry Potter series even the book is named after him! He has jet black hair, is very skinny, has big green eyes, looks very much like his father James Potter, has circular glasses, and has a lighting bolt scar across his head as a result of the attack of Lord Voldemort. He was orphaned when he was about 1 years old, and grew up with his Aunt and Uncle.

He did not know he was a wizard until he was 11, when Hagrid came to get him and take him to Hogwarts. He is the only known person to have ever survived the killing curse, throwing Voldemort to his downfall. A prophecy states that he is the only one who can defeat Voldemort. Harry Potter is also the godson of Sirius Black that being how he is related to the Blacks- not blood related.

He was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He was a bit of a troublemaker in school, landing himself in detention quite a bit. He also played chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team. His nickname in school was Prongs by his closest friends because he could turn into a stag. He along with his wife Lily Potter below were murdered by Lord Voldemort in attempt to get to their son; Harry. She was a member of the Order of the Phoenix and the wife of James Potter above.

She was quite popular in school, and was muggle born. She, like Harry, was in the Slug Club. According to Slughorn, she was good at everything that had to do with school. Her along with her husband were killed by Lord Voldemort in attempt to get their son, Harry.

She would not let Voldemort kill Harry, so he killed her. This made a protective shield around Harry so Voldemort could not kill him. Potts, Nugent- Quidditch referee in who was hit by an arrow from a fan. Prewett, Fabian- Was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. It took 5 death eaters to kill him and his brother Gideon. Was the brother of Molly Weasley. Prewett, Gideon- Was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. It took 5 death eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian.

Pringle, Apollyon- The caretaker of Hogwarts when Mrs. Weasley attended. Pritchard, Graham- A boy sorted into Slytherin in Book 4. Prod, D. Ptolemy- One of the only cards that Ron does not have in his collection along with Agrippa. Pucey, Adrian- A chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Puddifoot, Madam- Owns a tea shop in Hogsmeade.

Her tea shop is a popular place for couples. Purkiss, Doris- The quibbler printed an issue in which she wrote in to; saying that who everybody thought was Sirius Black was actually Stubby Boardman, who was the lead singer in a band called the Hobgoblins.

Pye, Augustus- Trainee healer at St. It was him who had the idea of using stitches on Mr. Quirke, Orla- A girl sorted into Ravenclaw in Book 4. While traveling he encountered Lord Voldemort. Quirell tried to do many things to Harry.

He reached it at the end of Book 1. Quirell then tried to attack Harry, but when Harry touched him, Quirell died. Voldemort then escaped his body and fled.

Quong Po- Studied the Chinese fireball dragon and discovered their uses of their powdered eggs. Rabnott, Modesty- Tried to stop Barberus Bragge from using the Golden Snidget; thinking that it was harmful to the bird which it was. Rackharrow, Urquhart- Inventor of the entrail-expelling curse. Their portrait hangs in the Dai Llewelllyn ward at St. Rastrick, Xavier- A wizard famous for disappearing while tap dancing who was never seen again.

Ravenclaw, Helena The Grey Lady - The daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, she stole her mothers diadem to become more clever and smarter than her mother. The Ravenclaw house ghost now. Ravenclaw, Rowena- One of the founders of Hogwarts who valued intelligence. He formed a tight knit group of friends while at Hogwarts that later became his first death eaters.

He was probably one of the smarter Hogwarts students ever. He also turned Hagrid in for taking care of the monster in the chamber of secrets, where it was actually him. He then received a special award for services to the school.

He was raised in a muggle orphanage because his mother died giving birth to him. He then killed his father and grandparents because they were scum muggles that he hated. He lost all of his powers when he tried to kill Harry Potter, and got them back in Book 4. He was then at large in Books 5 and 6. There was a prophecy made about him that Harry Potter was the only one that could kill him; saying that neither can live while the other survives. He has 7 horcurx, 2 of which were already destroyed by Harry and Voldemort.

When she took him off the potion he ran away from her, leaving her forever. He was killed by his son, along with the deaths of his parents. They were killed by their grandson, along with the death of their son.

Robins, Demelza- A girl on the Gryffindor quidditch team as a chaser in Book 6 who was particularly good at dodging bludgers. Ronan- A centaur who Harry talked to when he went into the forbidden forest as detention in Book 1. He was also there when he went back into the forest to see Grawp in Book 5.

Rookwood, Augustus- A death eater who used to work in the Department of Mysteries. He was betrayed by Karkaroff, and this was how he was found out to be a death eater. He went to Azkaban, but escaped with the mass breakout in Book 5. He fought in the Department of Mysteries in Book 5 for Voldemort. Rosier — One of the earliest Death Eaters. Rosmerta, Madam- The owner of the 3 Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

She is said to be quite pretty, and Ron fancies her. In Book 6, she gave Katie the cursed necklace because she was under the imperius curse. Sanguina, Carmilla- A vampire who bathed in blood to retain her beauty. Sawbridge, Almerick- Conquered a troll that caused trouble at the Wye River. Scamander, Newton Newt Artemis Fido- Born in as the son of a hippogriff breeder which is where he got his taste for magical creatures.

He was then moved to the beast division. He did many things, such as make the Werewolf Register in and the Ban on Experimental breeding in Britain. He left this all to study magical creatures, which led him to write Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. He has a wife Porpentina, live in Dorset, and pet kneazles. Schmidt, Bruno- A child from Germany who killed an Erkling by hitting it over the head with a cauldron erklings lure in children with their screeches.

Was murdered in Deathly Hallows. Selwyn- A Death Eater who gave his wand to Voldemort and was later seen at Xenophilius Lovegood house when he claimed to have captured Harry. The Selwyns are a well-known pureblood family. Shacklebolt, Kingsley- A tall black aurora who has a deep voice and in the Order of the Phoenix. He was in charge of the hunt for Sirius Black, leading them on saying that he was hiding somewhere far away where he knew he was in Grimmauld Place.

Was made the temporary, then permanent Minister for Magic at the end of Deathly Hallows. His lynx patronus saved many people at Bill and Fleurs wedding when he warned of the Death Eaters approaching.

Shimpling, Derwent- A wizard comedian who ate an entire Venemous Tentacula as a bet and survived. He was arrested in Book 6 on charges of working with the death eaters. Sinistra, Aurora- The female Astronomy teacher at Hogwarts. Skeeter, Rita- A reporter for the daily prophet who wrote horrible stories about Harry in Book 4. She was banned from Hogwarts, but still got stories from it.

She was discovered by Hermione Granger to be an animagus as a beetle. Hermione told her that if she wrote any more stores she would tell the Ministry that she was an animagus. Hermione forced her to write a good story about Harry in Book 5, which changed the view of many wizards about Harry. Skively, Harold- Wrote to the Daily Prophet, and suggested that the Wizarding community celebrate a day to honor Merlin, because he could use an extra holiday in August.

Slooper, Jack- Replaces one of the Weasley twins position of beater on the Gryffindor team after they are given a lifelong ban on playing by Umbridge. He has a special group called the Slug Club that consists of his favorite students. He has great connections to students who used to be in the slug club. He came out of retirement thinking he would be safe at Hogwarts after Harry convinced him to.

Former head of Slytherin House and probably the new one in Book 7. Slytherin, Salazar- One of the founders of Hogwarts who preferred pure blood and cunning students among the rest.

He left the school before it was finished being done, due to a row he had with Godric Gryffindor. He was a parselmouth who, before leaving, made a secret chamber called the Chamber of Secrets.

Legend said that only the heir to Slytherin would be able to open it and release the monster within and the legend turned out to be true. Smethwyk, Leopoldina- First British witch to referee a quidditch game. She showed him a silver cup with 2 finely wrought handles, and said that it belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, and that she was the heir to Hufflepuff. She also showed him a golden locket that had a S with serpent letters that had belonged to Salazar Slytherin. She died 2 days after this after supposedly being murdered by her house elf Hokey, and her 2 items were missing But was really Tom Riddle who killed her for her special items and then taken them.

Smith, Zacharias- A Hufflepuff boy who is the chaser for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. He is also a member of the D. Ron, Fred, George, and Harry do not like him very much for his attitude. He was also the announcer for a Slytherin-Gryffindor quidditch game, in which he was very rude to Gryffindor. Snape, Severus — The Potions teacher from Books 1 through 5. He never liked Harry, due to the fact that he was an enemy of James Potter.

He was always into the Dark Arts, becoming a death eater after graduating from Hogwarts. He joined the Order of the Phoenix and made an unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfoy, saying that he would have to protect her son Draco in Book 6. He became a spy for Dumbledore on Voldemort, therefore not being arrested for being a death eater. He then became the potions teacher at Hogwarts, and always wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, but was never given it by Dumbledore.

In book 6 he was given the job. At the end of Book 6, he kills Albus Dumbledore. His patronus is a doe, which was also hers. Snuffles- The name that Sirius tells Harry, Ron, and Hermione to call him when they are talking to him in public.

Spinett, Alicia- A Gryffindor girl two years older than Harry who was on the reserve team for quidditch the year before Harry came to Hogwarts, and on the Quidditch team from books 1 through 5. She was also a member of the D. Sprout, Pomona- Head of Hufflepuff house and teacher of Herbology. Starkey, Hesper- A witch who studied how different phases in the moon affects potions. This may perhaps be the father of the Stebbins above.

Stroulger, Edgar- Inventor of the Sneakoscope. She was suspended on pay. Stump, Grogan- Minister of Magic in He said that a being is anything that can understand wizarding laws. Summerbee, Felix- Inventor of the cheering charm and perhaps had something to do with the lucky potion; Felix Felicis-though not confirmed, being that Felix is a fairly common name.

Was wizard of the month of May and of May Sweeting, Havelock- An expert on unicorns. Sykes, Jocunda- First person to fly over the Atlantic on a Broom. Thickey, Janus- A wizard who wrote a note to his wife telling her that he had been eaten by a lethifold, where he was actually living with another women not far away. There is also a ward in St. He had been placed under the Imperius Curse by the Death Eater Yaxley earlier in the summer, which meant that control of the Ministry was effectively in the hands of Voldemort.

His true biography is never described in the books. His father was a wizard though Dean and his mother never knew it who walked out on him and his mother when he was young.

His mother then remarried and had other children. Dean was raised by his mother and his step father. His true father was killed by death eaters after refusing to give them information.

He played chaser for a while in Book 6 while Katie Bell was in the hospital wing. He is also a good artist. He was also dating Ginny Weasley in part of Book 6. He walked out on his family when Dean was young and was killed by death eaters, after refusing to give them information. Thurkell, Thaddeus- Has 7 squib sons and turned them into hedgehogs.

Tibbles- Mrs. Seems to be friends of people of high ranks in the ministry; including Rufus Srimgeour and a wizard by the name of Bertie Higgs. Works in the ministry of magic. He appeared to be the oldest one there. Toke, Tilly- Saved a beach of muggles from a dragon, and then swiped their memories afterward.

He was awarded an Order of Merlin First class for this. Tonks, Nymphadora- Preferred to be called Tonks, and is a Metamorphmagus meaning that she can change her appearance at will. She is an auror who works for the ministry of magic and is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She is a young witch probably in her twenties. She fought in the Department of Mysteries in Book 5 and was injured. After the death of Sirius she changed a lot. She was a lot more depressed and her patronus changed.

Harry thought that the reason for this was that she had been in love with Sirius. The truth was that she had fallen in love with Remus Lupin, but he did not want her to be with him; saying that he was too old, too poor, and too dangerous because he is a werewolf. According to his daughter, he is a slob. He had fair hair and a large stomach. Trelawney, Cassandra- A famous seer and great-great grandmother of Sibyll Trelawney. Trelawney, Sibyll- The Divination teacher at Hogwarts who made the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort; which she said to Dumbledore while in an interview for the job as Divination teacher.

She was hired and worked at Hogwarts for sixteen years as of Book 6. She does not seem very good at what she teaches, except for her few prophecies that she has made. She was fired by Umbridge in Book 5, but was later given the job back in Book 6.

Tugwood, Sacharissa- The first to use beauty potions. She was also the founder of bubotuber pus to use on pimples. Twiddle, Mallory- Mallory Twiddle wrote a letter to the Daily Prophet, complaining that Gringotts was using Sphinxes to guard its high security vaults. He had encountered one and had spent an hour trying to figure out its riddles. Eventually, the Sphinx chased him out of the bank. Twonk, Norvel- Was killed saving a muggle child from a manticore.

Twycross, Wilkie- The ministry apparation instructor. Ugga- Played quidditch for a Yorkshire team. She first started out as a teacher at Hogwarts, and then was made the High Inquisitor by Fudge.

They then made up a number of ridiculous educational decrees, the final one being that she was made headmistress of Hogwarts after Dumbledore left. As a teacher, she did not let students use magic in her class because she thought that they would raid against the ministry. She also gave out rather cruel detentions, making students write on paper with their own blood, which she bewitched the pen to cut the students hand open and the blood came from that.

She forced Harry to take him to the weapon that she thought Dumbledore was trying to use against the ministry.

Harry and Hermione brought her to Grawp the giant and the centaurs came and ran her away. She reappeared in the Ministry of Magic in book 6. She also admitted to being the ones that sent the dementors on Harry in Book 5. Uric the Oddball- A very odd wizard who was famous for wearing a jellyfish as a hat, among other odd things. Vablatsky, Cassandra- Seer and author of Unfogging the Future.

Vance, Emmeline- She is described as a stately looking witch. A member of the Order of the Phoenix in both wizarding wars. She was murdered by death eaters in the second wizarding war. She sent him some sweets with a love potion in them. Ron, however, did eat them a few weeks later not knowing about the potion.

Verity- Verity may be first or last name. A young witch with short blonde hair who works at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. She is a friend of the fat lady and often appears in their portrait. Voldemort, Lord- The name chosen by Tom Riddle to call himself. A Slytherin boy who is heir to Slytherin real name: Tom Marvolo Riddle He formed a tight knit group of friends while at Hogwarts that later became his first death eaters.

Wadcock, Joscelind- Chaser for the Puddlemere United quidditch team. Waffling, Adalbert- Author of Magical Theory. The wands caused burns to a number of people. Wagstaff was also accused of selling loose-bottomed cauldrons. Wagtail, Myron- Lead singer in the wizarding band the weird sisters. Warbeck, Celestina- A witch singer who Mrs. Weasley is a fan of and Fleur Delacour hates.

She is a singer for the WWN. Warrington, C- The chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. He was at least 17 in book 4, because he entered his name in the Goblet of Fire. He is described by Dean Thomas as being a sloth. He checked out quidditch through the ages due back December 5th. Died in freak collision with a helicopter. He is very fascinated by muggles, and his biggest ambition is to find out how an airplane flies.

Also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He was hurt in Book 5 after being bit by a Snake, and spent several weeks in St. He fully recovered and went back to work. He has red hair, is tall and slim, and wears glasses. He is a distant cousin to Sirius Black, along with his children and his wife. He used to work in Egypt as a curse breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Once Voldemort came back, he left Egypt and came to work at the Gringotts in London. He then lived with his parents and was a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

He is engaged to Fleur Delacour, and was bitten by a werewolf in Book 6. He may not become a full werewolf, seeing that the werewolf who bit him was in his wizard state at the time. According to Lupin, he may have some wolfish qualities. His face was also severely scarred by the werewolf. He is 9 years older than Ron. He has red hair with a ponytail.

While at Hogwarts, he was a prefect and became head boy. He was born on November 29, He lives at the burrow, along with the rest of his family excluding his 2 brothers Percy and Charlie, and sometimes his brothers Fred and George live in a flat above their joke shop.

Weasley, Charlie- The second oldest Weasley child. He lives in Romania and works with Dragons there. He is described to be a bit shorted and broader, like the twins, and of course, he has red hair. He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and was born on December 12, and began Hogwarts in He was the seeker and captain of the quidditch team before Harry came he graduated Hogwarts the year before Harry and Ron came.

He was also a prefect. Together, they were mischievous makers at Hogwarts. They started selling things at Hogwarts; such as ways to get out of class and other practical jokes. They were also the beaters on the Gryffindor quidditch team from Books 1 through 5 they were thrown off in Book 5 by Umbridge.

After they leave Hogwarts literally leave- jumped on their broomsticks and flew away because they hated Umbridge they started their joke shop with the money that Harry Potter gave them 1, galleons- his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament. They called their joke shop Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Their joke shop seems to be doing really well in Book 6, although all the things from their shop are banned at Hogwarts. It is unknown if they joined the Order of the Phoenix after they left Hogwarts.

Their birthday is April 1st, April fools day. They used to live at the Burrow, but now live in a flat above their joke shop. Weasley, Ginevra Ginny — The youngest Weasley child and their only daughter. She was born on August 11, and lives at the burrow, along with the rest of her family excluding her 2 brothers Percy and Charlie, and sometimes her brothers Fred and George live in a flat above their joke shop. She is said to be very pretty, and is said to look the most like her brothers Fred and George.

She had always had a crush on Harry since Book 2, but become a lot less shy towards him in Book 4. She played seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team after Harry was kicked off in Book 5.

She then tried out for chaser and made it in Book 6 after Harry was allowed to play again. Harry was then given detention in book 6, so he could not play seeker for the final matches.

Ginny then took over for seeker again, and Dean Thomas played chaser for her. She also thinks of Harry as a son to her. Her maiden name was Prewett, and her two brothers Gideon and Fabian Prewett were killed by death eaters. This is probably why she is so shaken up about half her family being in the Order of the Phoenix along with herself. She is very loving and always knits sweaters for her children, and sends them cakes and fun treats on holidays.

She has read hair just like her children and her husband, and is short, plump, and very kind. Her greatest fear her boggart is to see her whole family dead. Weasley, Percy- The 3rd oldest Weasley child who is very focused on his career.


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