That's right, a total of 7 pets have failed. I increased both agility and will for all of these pets as suggested by some other posts, and obviously it did not work. I'm open to further suggestions, but at this point I feel like this is a scam from KI to get us to spend more crowns on a futile effort.
Dan TableTop Gamer. Assuming the a pet has the possibility of having Spritely, getting Spritely, or any talent, is totally random. The odds of getting it from a dropped or bought pet depends on how many talents it may have. When you hatch you will only get talents that the parent pets have, so if you are hatching epic pets together and neither one of them have Spritely you won't get it I did several hatchings this way until I found that out Your best odds of getting Spritely is to hatch with a pet that has Spritely.
Of course, the problem is finding someone willing to hatch with you. With the pets you have you should be able to find someone who is willing to hatch with you I know I would hatch with your Spiny fish or possibly you Sea Dragon depending on what talents they have.
Timothy Lionstalke GamingDan wrote:. Thanks for the reply. All the original pets ie. But from what you're saying, if these pets failed to get spritely then using them as parents for hatching is futile? If that's true, then we either have to keep buying "fresh" pets from the store, or as you say, hatch with another player whose pet has already manifested spritely? Wolf Strongshield. To get sprite there is a chance, I've got it at Teen and adult.
Some people could get it at acient! I may have figure something out on pet talents. I think if you get a high manifest level you cannot get uncommon talents. Though it's not guaranteed that your pet will cast one or more sprites, it happens fairly frequently; and when you consider the number of battles that you were one more spell away from winning, it's easy to see that one free sprite cast might have made the difference. Since I didn't know too much about pets, I always assumed that any pet might be able to learn this ability, and that it was just rare luck or purchased pets that got this.
I was wrong For those who don't know, here's a list of all the first generation pets I think! There are hybrids and second generation pets that can learn it, but I'm not too knowledgeable at this pet hatching thing yet.
Pets in italics are crown-purchased only pets. Pets with asterisk are school-awarded pets. Second, the other abilities and how they help you out. I gave him a pet Minotaur I found with a higher level character drop from Youkai near end of Mooshu and trained him to epic. That was a big boost, and made for some great low level adventuring.
With the recent Brave Hound addition, though, I now run around with Spritely for my guy. My dog is not yet epic, so I'm hoping to recapture that accuracy bonus, so I can leave my Minotaur to guard the gates of my house : Pets have a real and intrinsic value that can add to your character's strength.
It's no wonder that players will hatch new pets to try and get the ability that their last one lacked. With all those words above, what to make of it all? What do you want your pet for? Then google that pet, find out how to get it, and if it requires farming for it, then keep killing that boss until it eventually drops. Shatter triggers- player casts a trap on the opponent, or opponent casts a shield.
I did not find this overly helpful at all. I see spritely used a couple times in a long battle, ie. Yes, there is not a lot of information available on the maycasts that trigger only rarely.
As you noticed, spritely is more common. Getting reliable information on maycasts that trigger so rarely would require a huge amount of data. Very nice so far. I learned a lot just from reading this amount. Could you please update this guide? Also, can you please do a guide on how to train your pet so that if it has a may cast talent, its guaranteed to learn it? Those stats only have to do with how much value a stat talent like Spell Proof or Pain Giver would give you.
May-casts are something else. Ideally, find pets that have manifested the may-cast talent you want and hatch with it. This might up your odds of getting and manifesting that talent. Your email address will not be published.
May Cast Aura Trigger rate : High — Auras are triggered by casting a shield, a blade, a minion or a bubble. Expert Empowerer Pet aura lets you gain one pip whenever you get attacked with a spell of 4 pips or higher for 5 rounds. Fairy Pet heals you for hp higher values than the trained spell.
Energizing Battery Pet heals you for , or hp same values as the trained spell. Unicorn Pet heals all team members for hp higher values than the trained spell. Snow heal for you! Triggered by outgoing attacks. No information about the triggers at the moment. Ally Precision Pet casts an accuracy buff on someone else on the team. Pierce Train Pet removes one shield or absorb from opponent. Clean Ward Pet removes one trap from owner.
Drop It Pet removes one blade from opponent. Ward Wrecker Pet removes all shields from opponent. Charm Chopper Pet removes all blades from opponent. Steal Charm Pet steals one blade from opponent. Steal Ward Pet steals one shield or absorb from opponent. Sunbird Call Pet casts Sunbird. No further information available at the moment. Quench Pet casts a Fire dispel. Dissipate Pet casts a Storm dispel.