Who is mbilia bel

She was a talented stage performer and often tantalized crowds with her exceptional dancing ability when she would join the Rocherreautes dancers in their dance routine. By the mid-eighties, Mbilia bel had officially married Tabu Ley and was a refined and mature performer.

Her songs continued to dominate the scene. The song was composed by Tabu Ley and Roger Izeidi and is an adaptation of a traditional song in Kikongo. Kishila Ngoyi was here real name, but she was known by her artistic name, Faya Tess. The song won the award for the best song of in Zaire, and Mbilia Bel won the award for best new performer. Thanks to Mbilia Bel, the popularity of Afrisa International was soaring. Even songs that did not feature Mbilia Bel were receiving more exposure.

Here was one singer that Franco could not poach from Afrisa. Concerts of Afrisa were now a huge draw. Mbilia Bel was always the main attraction , and when she made an appearance , the crowds often went into a frenzy.

Mbilia Bel was a talented stage performer. She often tantalized crowds with her exceptional dancing ability, when she joined the Rocherreautes dancers in their dance routine. Tabu Ley who had revolutionized stage show when he introduced the Rocherreauttes in the early eighties, was now the undisputed king of stage show. By the mid eighties, Mbilia bel had officially married Tabu Ley and was now a refined and mature performer.

Her songs continued to dominate the scene. The song was composed by Tabu Ley and Roger Izeidi, and is an adaptation of a Kikongo traditional song. Other songs which blazed the charts during that period include Balle a terre and Bameli soy. Afrisa continued to go from strength to strength.

In Tabu Ley recruited another female artiste to accompany Mbilia Bel. Kishila Ngoyi was here real name , but she was known by her artistic name, Faya Tess.

It was against this backdrop that Afrisa embarked on a tour of East Africa that took in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda, culminating in the album Nadina , which had Lingala and Kisawahili versions of the song. The tour was well recived by frenzied crowds. Upon their return to Kinshasa, rumours started surfacing about a rift between Tabu ley and Mbilia Bel.

Apparently Mbilia Bel was not too happy about the emergence of Faya Tess, who seemed ready to steal here thunder. Both publicly denied having any problems, but by this time the writing was on the wall. Mbilia bel quit the band late in to embark on a solo career. She really burst into the music scene when she became Tabu Ley's protegee.

And the combination of Tabu Ley's composing genius and Mbilia Bel's heavenly voice resulted in high sales of Afrisa records. Their couple as perfomers was phenomenal with plethora of hits. It was a moving song about spousal abuse. In the song, she sang the part of a woman who had been abandoned by her husband and has to raise the children by herself. The song was very popular, especially among women in Zaire. Mbilia Bel's ever first album, released in was the extremely popular with the title "Eswi yo wapi", one the song in the same album which roughly translates to "Where did it hurt you?

The song won the award for the best song of in Zaire, and M'bilia Bel won the award for best new-comer. And the rest of the songs in th same album such as Tabu Ley's "Lisanga ya Bambanda", "Kelhia" and Dino Vangu's "Quelle Mechancete" were all huge hits to point that Afrisa International popularity started soaring. Even songs that did not feature M'bilia Bel were receiving more exposure. The stranglehold that Franco's band TP. OK Jazz in popularity and notoriety, thanks to the arrival of this new sensation who was now being referred to as " The Cleopatra of Congolese music".

M'bilia Bel quickly became the main attraction when she appeared in each of the Afrisa's concerts in the Congo and everywhere that they were touring. Often she drew huge crowds into a frenzy. She was a talented stage performer and often tantalized crowds with her exceptional dancing ability when she would join the Rocherettes dancers in their dance routine. By the mid-eighties, Mbilia bel officially married Tabu Ley and was a refined and mature performer.


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