Who is monroe in revolution

In he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates and in was elected to the Congress of the Confederation. Even during his early political career, Monroe advocated for western expansion and protection, the policy positions which would dominate his presidency. While a member of the congress Monroe toured the western American territories and used his experience to amend and enact the Northwest Ordinance, organizing the region of the United States.

Monroe was opposed to the Constitution, as it gave the national government taxation power, and he voted against the final document. During the elections for the First Congress, Monroe ran for a senate seat against his close friend, James Madison.

Madison and Monroe did not let political animosity destroy their friendship, and often traveled with each other. During an investigation into the misuse of federal funds, Monroe found evidence that a co-conspirator in the plot, James Reynolds, received payments from Hamilton.

Monroe, believed that Hamilton had been involved in the plot and prepared a comprehensive report of the crime; however, before publishing the story, he brought the evidence to Hamilton. Monroe believed Hamilton and promised to keep the scandal under wraps. However, a secretary working for Monroe sent the investigation to a scandal writer, making the issue public. As political tensions between Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans and Hamiltonian Federalists exploded, Monroe stood with his friend and fellow Virginian, Jefferson.

No one in the Federal government provided Monroe with the details of the deal, and when it was published, the specifics outraged the French and Monroe. The ambassador was also angered by the fact that George Washington withheld the details from him; this division between old friends destroyed their relationship. In Monroe was elected governor of Virginia. As governor Monroe increased state involvement in education and transportation, he also invested in the state militia.

He supported the candidacy of Thomas Jefferson in , by appointing election officials favorable to Jefferson to ensure his presidential victory. While negotiating, Jefferson made Monroe the ambassador to Britain. Jefferson gave orders to purchase only West Florida and New Orleans for at most nine million dollars, Monroe disobeyed Jefferson and bought all of Louisiana for fifteen million dollars.

In Monroe negotiated the Monroe-Pickney treaty, which would extend the Jay Treaty, which ironically Monroe had opposed a decade earlier, Jefferson who strongly opposed the Jay Treaty also opposed the Monroe-Pickney deal, and it was as a result never ratified.

Some troops, possibly Non-Commissioned Officers, wear crude leather armor, although it is not effective against bullets or crossbow bolts. Certain elite soldiers wear pre-Blackout bulletproof vests and military backpacks for some operations. Their use of Humvees and M35 trucks makes them a rapid response force of sorts. The standard weapon for Militia troops is the Enfield model cap-and-ball rifle, but some elite troops have been seen with M assault rifles, and many guards are seen carrying M-4 carbines.

The reason for this is that Monroe always keeps the best weapons for himself due to dwindling supplies of modern ammunition. Since Monroe's expanded campaign against the Rebels, however, such weapons are becoming more and more common among the troops. Early on, some troops were seen equipped with crossbows. Officers use pistols of various types, and all troops are issued brass-knuckled swords for close-quarters fights.

Despite Sebastian Monroe having the title of 'President', the Republic appears to be a dictatorship. This is supported by the lack of elections or even the mention of such. Citizens of the Republic's have to pay taxes in the form of either money or crops. Failure to do so often results in prison sentences. Individual rights are greatly curtailed, and the Militia frequently detains people for no reason at all, often without so much as an explanation. Per the Immigration and Naturalization Defense Act, all Militia personnel are able to search, detain and question anyone who is believed to be involved in criminal or subversive behavior.

Militia do however detain people for no reasons at all. Footnotes, No Quarter. The Monroe Republic has attempted diplomatic relations with the California Commonwealth in the past, but their emissaries seldom return. The Monroe Republic is almost to the point of open war with the Georgia Federation and the Plains Nation, possibly due to resentment of the former's successful economy and the latter's alliance with the former. Miles Matheson also expressed heavy disdain for the nation of Texas, indicating a hostile relationship between the Monroe Republic and Texas.

It is unknown if the Monroe Republic is in contact with any nations overseas. While there may be legitimate reasons for the Monroe Republic's isolation from the rest of America, the driving force is Monroe's personal lust for power and his desire to conquer the entire continent.

The Republic uses at least two forms of currency - gold and Militia Trade Dollars but some people use crops to pay taxes. Considering that Militia Trade Dollars are only used within the Monroe Republic, it seems that gold and diamonds are used as a universal currency of sorts.

The rate of exchange for the various currencies is unknown at this point. Most of the Republic's economy is based on food crop cultivation but there is also an amount of heroin production. Many villages pay taxes sometimes in the form of crops to the Republic.

Failure to pay taxes will result in prison sentences. The fate of the Faber family is not revealed. He is the youngest Monroe militia captain to date, and is not blindly obedient to Monroe.

He ends up helping Tom Neville launch a successful coup in taking over the Monroe Republic. Community Showcase More. Follow TV Tropes. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Sebastian Monroe. See Main Cast. Neville is brought before him to answer for snooping around in the basement.

He then remarks how his work at getting the power back on is necessary to the survival of the Republic. Monroe then loads his pistol, disengages the safety, and offers Tom a drink. He then explains that the prisoner Tom saw was Miles' sister-in-law. To further their efforts at restoring power, he promotes Neville to captain and charges him with finding Ben Matheson, all the while encouraging Neville to be ruthless in his pursuit.

During that time, Monroe has held Rachel Matheson hostage in hopes that she would help him in his endeavor to turn the power back on as Miles originally planned. Sebastian and formerly Miles Matherson had trained and led their soldiers to the point that their army was feared across the continent. Monroe sent soldiers to go and find Ben Matherson, as he knew something about turning the lights back on. So Monroe sent Tom Neville, a highly skilled Captain, and a company of troops.

After months of searching they finally found him. There was a fight, in which Ben Matherson was killed. Later, at Kimberton Pennsylvania, Monroe himself is interrogating a captured Rebel, but kills him when he is unable to extract any information.

Bass is charismatic, charming with an all-or-nothing personality. He comes off as emotionally fragile when it comes to personal relationships. Although he was deeply devoted to Miles and viewed him as a brother, like many brothers do, Bass was sometimes jealous of what Miles had sleeping with Emma and as he hinted, coveted Nora. After Bass's parents and sisters were killed by a drunk driver, Bass was going to commit suicide, but Miles talked him down.

After the Black Out, Bass exhibited a strong loyalty to Miles, but he didn't care about the Republic or the men they were leading, which shows in his lack of interest in keeping the Militia in check. Bass is deeply paranoid after Miles tried to assassinate him. He carries his gun with him at all times after the attempt and once shot one of his advisors in the head after he heard about Neville's desertion and that his son, Jason, was not dead but alive and fighting with the Rebels.

Bass comes off as a womanizer as well.


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