Who is nightwings enemy

The group came across as unintelligent and ill-prepared. Ultimately, the villain team didn't stand a chance against the combined might of Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne. They must not have been much of a threat, as the group was short-lived. Nightwing wouldn't have had to worry if he ended up having to fight the group by himself. The psychopathic and dull-minded Nite-Wing was someone Nightwing once considered a friend.

Nite-Wing was a nameless orphan who was known by his nickname, Tad. He had little proper education and was brought up on the streets. Tad became inspired after meeting a retired hero. Nite-Wing seemed to lack the brainpower and self-restraint to truly make it as a hero.

Originally, Nightwing helped him. When Tad showed his true colors by beating a federal agent to death, Nightwing helped arrest him. Nite-Wing may hold a personal grudge against his former friend but lacks the brains to do anything about it.

Amygdala, born Aaron Helzinger, is an easily manipulated man with an anger problem. Part of his brain was removed in an effort to cure him of his volatile temper, but the procedure backfired. Due to the fact he is easily manipulated, Aaron is often controlled by whatever criminal he is working for.

A reformed Amygdala would move into the same apartment building as Dick Grayson, where the two would eventually become friends. Amygdala would return to his life of crime. Dick might not stand a chance against Amygdala's strength, but he could easily out-think the villain. Roland Desmond was the second villain to use the name Blockbuster. The name had originally been used by his brother, Mark Desmond. Roland began as a Batman villain, but he would soon move to Bludhaven and have to deal with Nightwing.

Roland's criminal activities often failed thanks to the intervention of Nightwing and Oracle. Oracle's computer skills often kept the duo one step ahead of Blockbuster. Roland often attempted to have Nightwing killed but failed every time. The criminal often proved himself to be unable to stand against Bludhaven's greatest hero.

These underutilized villains are usually seen fighting against Nightwing. The sisters, Aliki and Margot Marceau, began by traveling with a French circus. The two later turned to a life of crime to earn a little extra cash. His chest is decorated with a blue bird with its wings expanded to his shoulders. He wears black steel armor with red-pink highlights.

He has long hair and a different mask. Nightwing has the same suit as he does in the New He wears black light armor with the red Nightwing logo on his torso. Super Moves S. Injustice 2. Wiki Info. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Nightwing Dick Grayson. View source. History Talk Someone who is just as smart and powerful as Batman is. An insane yet powerful mind who has an obsession with riddles.

More items…. His first-ever appearance in the DC Comics came in an issue of Detective Comics published on March 30, , which is now officially recognized as his birthday. In real-world terms, this means that the Caped Crusader just turned 81 years old. Happy birthday, Batman!

BlockbusterBlockbuster was the big re-occurring villain in the 90s Nightwing series. He harassed Dick on a personal level and was the main threat.

James Gordon, Jr. One of the truly most disturbing villains and the most psychologically painful to Batgirl has to be James Gordon, Jr. The son of Commissioner Gordon and his wife Barbara, James was a diagnosed sociopath with the lack of an ability to empathize with others.


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