Who is siobhan in twilight

At Maggie's confirmation of their truthful story, the three agree to help the Cullens testify against the Volturi 's accusations. During the confrontation , they stand next to each other as Siobhan converses with Aro about Renesmee Cullen 's human and vampire traits. After the situation ended peacefully, Liam and Siobhan return to Ireland with Maggie, but agree to find Alistair and tell him how everything played out.

Twilight Saga Wiki Explore. Forever Dawn. Local staff Blogs Contact Us News. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Siobhan and Liam. Edit source History Talk 0. For example, she wanted things to work out when Maggie joined her coven even though Liam was territorial, and they did. Siobhan is the leader of the Irish coven. Carlisle sends the Irish coven to help. He encourages Siobhan to visualize a peaceful outcome and will it to come true.

If that is the case, Siobhan says that her coven does not have to commit to a fight with the Volturi. At the clearing, the witnesses cluster to the left and right of the members of the Cullens and Denali clan that make up the front line.

BD35 Aro questions Siobhan about Renesmee. This is shown when she expresses to Carlisle about her unwillingness to risk her coven against the Volturi. She is quite happy with her coven because they are always telling each other the truth. After stumbling across the Volturi, she became curious with gifted vampires, never knowing that she was one of them, and had always wanted to create one of her own. Once she created Maggie , who could detect lies, her curiosity was satisfied.

According to The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide , Siobhan was quite strong as a human, and when she became a newborn, her strength and skills exceeded beyond the regular newborns. It is therefore assumed that her strength and combat skills are not to be underestimated. Siobhan did not think she had a gift , although Carlisle believed that she could influence events by willing her desired outcome to play-out in reality, but it required her full concentration.

Right before the Volturi arrived to terminate the Cullens, she tried to wish for a good outcome of the situation, which works out exactly the way she wants, although the vampire Irina is sacrificed in the process. That could be because she was only wishing that the witnesses survived and Irina started on the Volturi side.

Afterwards, she finally begins to believe in her gift. Her gift is depicted as subtle, but very powerful, and is one of those that surpass Bella's mental shield. Liam is Siobhan's mate. They met when he was still a newborn, and she taught him everything about being a vampire. She was attracted to his fierceness and focus, both of which were apparent despite his newborn wildness.

Maggie is a gifted vampire created by Siobhan when she and Liam found her starving to death in Maggie could tell instantly that they weren't human, and they did not try to deny it. Having always been curious with supernaturally gifted vampires, she believed that she had stumbled across one particularly gifted human who would develop such gifts as a vampire and offered to help her stop feeling hungry ever again.

Sensing that she was telling the truth, she agreed. After she was added to Siobhan and Liam's coven, they became very close to each other, even more than Siobhan had expected. Siobhan felt maternal toward the girl, and fell naturally into the kind of relationship she'd had with her own mother. She also enjoyed the advantage of Maggie's talent in any kind of interaction. Twilight Saga Wiki Explore. Forever Dawn. Local staff Blogs Contact Us News. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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