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Nominate now for CEO of the Year. Please provide us with the names of the CEOs or those holding an equivalent title, such as managing principal, executive director, etc whom you feel are outstanding in business and the community.
Please Sign In and use this article's on page print button to print this article. May 6, Key Developments. Key Metrics. All Listings. Seaworld Entertainment, Inc. SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. The Company also rescues and rehabilitates marine and terrestrial animals that are ill, injured and orphaned. Recreational Activities. Contact Info. United States. Executive Leadership. Scott I. Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board. What is uncommon is the sheer number of claims now mounting against SeaWorld.
Joe Kleiman , best known as the news editor at themed-entertainment-industry news publication InPark Magazine , is also one of the leading journalists covering the ongoing saga of the SeaWorld Parks, regularly posting about the inner workings at Orlando-based chain.
In a post on his personal blog, Themed Reality , Kleiman claimed he has been in ongoing conversations with numerous experts. We welcome readers to submit letters regarding articles and content in Orlando Weekly.
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