What kind of monkeys like french fries

So glad your feeling better. Wow monkey just sitting there, totally awesome. The boat trip looks amazing, and who can beat snorkeling in clear water with tons of fish. Good your getting some food back into yourself. Last vacation — snow trip here in AZ Want to go — Colorado, want to go running up there How is running — up and down, tired legs had been making training challenging.

As for running, I just signed up for my first race. I thought that was the rule in order to be a runner. I am badly in need of an escape. For sure. I have children. They suck all my money! French fries sound amazing right now.

For breakfast is totally fine with me. Those pictures make me want to go back to Thailand sooo bad! Hoping to go to Morocco before I start residency in June! Also on my list is Mt. Kilimanjaro sometime in the next 5 years. Thailand is so beautiful! Last place I went was Disney World and we are already planning our next trip back, we are Disney junkies. My running has been not going lately. I do have a 5k this saturday though so hopefully it feels better by then!

The last vacation I went on was to the Bahamas. I would love to go back to the Caribbean but Europe is also great! Next Europe trip I want to go to Norway! Last evening I led my local running group for the first time. Totally beautiful! Going for So glad you are feeling better. What a trooper boating, and snorkeling with a less than optimal stomach. I have been craving cheese lately. My last run was 30 minutes, but speed work. Give me a long slow run any day!

I must eat some this weekend. Hmm, it has been way too long since I have been on vacation. I need a vacation asap! I did an 8K run yesterday and that was ok. Then my stomach decided to act up and I had to cut the run short :- But it was still a great day for running! Last vacation I went on was to Colorado to ski with college friends.

It was the BEST. I love that state — I want to try skiing in Utah next! So good!!! Running is…eh. I feel fast and excited about running but my LEGS are hurting so badly. I think my hips are massively misaligned. Interesting you mention that about your hips being out of alignment. After my run on Monday I decided I was over the discomfort I was feeling in my left hip.

Went to PT and pelvis is out of alignment. Working on that now, getting soft tissue work done and after 2 days total rest, got 45 minutes of swimming in today. That felt great. Going to really take it easy until I can run again hoping Monday?? Good luck to you and your race! Super healthy no? Loving all your pics…. Your beachy look is so beautiful! I wanted to say thank you for sharing these beautiful pics, I am loving living vicariously through you and I really think you should become the hungryrunnertravellergirl ;.

I absolutely loved St Thomas! I am lucky to live in Florida:. Enjoy the rest of your trip! The last place I went on vacation was a long weekend in Washington DC in December — we walked around a lot and it was so relaxing. Since the Mister Softee trucks have popped up again, all I want is a swirl cone with sprinkles.

Fish freak me out too! I have never met anyone else who feels this way, I am so glad to know I am not alone in this world! Your trip looks amazing!!! One of your pictures looks exactly like the picture on my beach calendar I have in my cube.

Last trip was in September. I need a vacation ASAP! I set a new half PR over the weekend! Today I have 8 easy miles to cover. All is going well with my training. Sooooo glad you bounced back quick. Enjoy this part of your trip. Oh and I am the Same with snorkeling.

Had a panic attack once in Bermuda when I realized what I was doing. Maybe today though :. We go to Priest Lake ID every year. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. My husband just got back from Dubai. Glad you are feeling better. It looks beautiful there and I laughed when I saw the chicken head. A couple months ago my husband and I did a safari in Kenya, which was an incredible experience. We have our eyes set on Isla Holbox, Mexico in June!

My last trip was to NYC last September. It was so much fun! I definitely am due for a beach vacation soon. Hehe Chicken Head Island- jee, I wonder how it got that name?! The last place I went on vacation was Huntington Beach last year and the next place?

I totally feel ya on the fish thing. I have a major fish phobia. Enjoy your last little but if time on your vacation! Looks like a blast! Hoping for the best, but preparing myself to graciously accept the worst. The last big vacation I took was last spring to Disney. There were a few weekend camping trips scattered through the summer. Running has been going okay. Made me feel pretty gross, and my 6 mi run yesterday suffered from it.

Afterwards my lower back was hurting quite a bit, which has never happened. I want my next one to be in Thailand! Running is going well! Today I ran a mile time trial in ! That is really awful that you got sick. I am so sorry to hear that! I am so jealous of your trip. So besides not becoming involved in a pointless war the French also got a good laugh out of it.

Think of it like this like french fries and ketchup. You put the ketchup down and put the fries on top. Log in. French Fries. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Fast Food 29 cards. When did TV come of age.

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Oh, and to tie everything up in a pretty little package, the Garland Theater's midnight movie this weekend is The Wiz. Give directly to The Spokesman-Review's Northwest Passages community forums series -- which helps to offset the costs of several reporter and editor positions at the newspaper -- by using the easy options below.

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