The umpire called him safe on a close play. The mayor called a meeting of local organizations to discuss budget priorities. Idioms call a halt to something. Phrasal verbs call back someone. The locksmith is out on a call right now.
People who work in medicine and other important activities are said to be on call when they are available to make visits or to speak to someone on the telephone at any time :. Menendez is on call for the next 24 hours. Where we camp , near the river , you can hear the call of the wolf almost every night. Students tried to imitate the calls of their favorite birds.
I'll tell Mr Baker you called. Would you like me to pass on any message? Please call us as soon as possible so that we can resolve this issue. To call collect from overseas , you need to reach an international operator. The senator called the Judiciary Committee meeting to order. A deputy called for order in the courtroom. When interest rates plunge , a company may decide to call a bond. She called me over and asked if I was interested in applying for the job.
A salesman called at my home. He claims to have called the downturn in the economy nearly four years ago. The committee can call witnesses and compel them to answer questions. See also cold-call. See also courtesy call.
He was finding that there were a numbers of calls on his time in his new role. Shareholders received notice of a call of 40 cents per share on all partly paid-up shares. Your loan may contain a call provision if you fall behind on your payments.
See also cash call. Many banks have money market loans at call with discount houses. All our accounts are at-call accounts that require no minimum deposit or balance.
HR available to work when needed :. He is on call round-the-clock two weeks each month. Examples of call. A policy specifies what system calls are permitted, and the ways they can be used.
From the Cambridge English Corpus. Either way, spiral stairs lead to a common landing, called the parlour in plans. No call to care, finally, could be too mundane; what could be more ordinary than peeling an egg? He attempted to create architecture directly out of what he called 'nature's organic structural thoughts'. The main category is called organic and inorganic dust. The mapping between surface and lexical levels is reduced to a single function call and two simple conversions from text to binary, and vice versa.
A random sample of patients with none of the above three co-morbid conditions hereafter called the general group was selected for comparison. His final curtain call was the tumble he took off his toilet, naked and with the hypodermic needle still stuck in his arm. Extremists of this view, called 'instrumentalists', believe that all or most knowledge productivity will increase provided the right information systems are implemented.
In particular, we must address the situation where we recursively call a tabled subgoal before we have fully tabled all its answers. The approach is a consequence of a new sequential tabling scheme based on dynamic reordering of alternatives with variant calls. The start-up code calls the first function and then enters an infinite loop.
If the second field is an index, then the relation is called an index map. Examination of these themes calls for considerable basic information about inter-war suburbs and how they were created. It may be called the structural orientation of the proof-structure.
See all examples of call. Recent Videos There are no videos currently available. Add a Video. Add an image. Tags reaction tumblr gifs reaction gifs whatshouldwecallme subgenre single topic blogs notables of single topic blogs of Add a Comment.
View More Comments. The latest from KYM. These will hurt in two different ways. Jakey, t you call me either. If you run into any problems you call me. But if you remember anything else, you call me. As soon as Constantine leaves, you call me. Tan pronto como salga Constantine, me llamas. Still, you call me Father. When he's not cramming, you call me , Pierre. Cuando no este abarrotado me llamas , Pierre. But next time, you call me. He ID's someone, you call me.
I'm almost rather startled when you call me that. Next time, you call me , John. Dixon, will you call me if you find anything?
If you need anything, will you call me? Please, when you get this, will you call me? Tracy, love, when you get this message, will you call me? Well, will you call me when you get home safely? If I do die, will you call me a hero? I'm staying at the Savoy, will you call me? Well, will you call me when you land so I don't worry?