What type are water pokemon weak to

As stated in the introduction, water-type Pokemon are strong against fire-type Pokemon, but there are two other types that are particularly weak against water-type Pokemon: rock-type Pokemon and ground-type Pokemon.

Many rock-type Pokemon are also ground-type Pokemon, which is fortunate for you because your water-type Pokemon will deal four times the damage to your opponent. Daniel Valladares began his career as a medical writer in He has written patient education brochures for several pharmaceutical companies and has worked as an auto mechanic at Kim's Speedy Auto Service since Valladares holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Rice University and is currently studying to become a personal trainer.

There is no one-size-fits-all against them. With each sub-type, moveset, and specialty comes the suggestion of a different technique to counter it. The list below provides the basic damage effectiveness against their respective types. However, as mentioned before, some of these weaknesses and resistances can be altered with sub-types. Well, find another counter, of course!

Which is the best starter? Show More. Share this story Twitter Facebook. Name Type 1 Type 2 Mega Slowbro. Mega Gyarados. Gigantamax Lapras. Mega Swampert. Mega Sharpedo. West Sea Gastrodon. East Sea Gastrodon. Male Frillish. Female Frillish. Male Jellicent. Female Jellicent. Keldeo Ordinary Form. Keldeo Resolute Form. Ash- Greninja. Gigantamax Drednaw. Gulping Cramorant. Gorging Cramorant. Urshifu Rapid Strike Style. Gigantamax Urshifu Rapid Strike Style. Aqua Jet. The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible.

This move always goes first. Aqua Ring. The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP every turn.

Aqua Tail. The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. Bouncy Bubble. The user attacks by shooting water bubbles at the target. It then absorbs water and restores its HP by half the damage taken by the target. If the target's HP is half or less, this attack will hit with double the power.

This may also lower their Speed stat. Bubble Beam. A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower its Speed stat. The target is clamped and squeezed by the user's very thick and sturdy shell for four to five turns.

The target is hammered with a large pincer. Critical hits land more easily. Diving on the first turn, the user floats up and attacks on the next turn. Fishious Rend. The user rends the target with its hard gills. If the user attacks before the target, the power of this move is doubled. Flip Turn. G-Max Cannonade. A Water-type attack that Gigantamax Blastoise use.


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