There's an axe. An incredibly powerful axe. An axe powerful enough for me to have quite a bit of fun, indeed. If you bring it to me, I'll grant you my boon. No strings attached. No messy surprises. At least, not for you. As I recall, it's resting in Rimerock Burrow. Barbas can lead you right to it. The little mutt might even earn his place back at my side.
With these words, Clavicus will be quiet and Barbas will come rushing up to you. He will now act as your follower and you can ask him about the axe: "One of Clavicus's little jests. A wizard named Sebastian Lort had a daughter who worshiped Hircine. When the daughter became a werewolf it drove Sebastian over the edge.
He couldn't stand to see his little girl take on such a bestial form. The wizard wished for the ability to end his daughter's curse. Clavicus gave him an axe.
Once you get to Rimerock Burrow , Barbas will help you against the powerful wizard Sebastian Lort and will, due to his essential status, prove an impossible opponent even against Sebastian's atronach companion and his leveled Conjuration spells. Once Sebastian is defeated, claim The Rueful Axe from the altar.
At this point you can tell Barbas that you want to keep the axe for yourself and he will advise you: "The axe isn't the only item dear old Clavicus has. When you approach the Shrine again Clavicus Vile will say: "Ah, you've got the axe! And my dog. A hero and his faithful companion, retrieving the ancient artifact for the prince. It's almost Ah, but it almost seems a shame to give a weapon like that away, doesn't it?
I suppose I could be persuaded to let you keep it But only if you use the axe to kill Barbas. Simple as that. PC PS3 If one decides not to kill Barbas and talk to him before he gets turned into stone, the whole statue of Clavicus Vile will disappear and Barbas will remain in the room forever.
He will no longer follow or respond in any way, but remains stuck in the party restricting the ability to recruit any dog companions thereafter. PC PS3 Lod, the blacksmith, may be dead, but the quest can still show up.
PC PS3 If the Dragonborn decides to follow Barbas through Helgen, and the main exit is locked, Barbas might start climbing the door erratically because he cannot follow his scripted path. If the door gets unlocked during the process, Barbas might get stuck behind it, causing the game to crash.
PC PS3 Solution: To prevent this issue, if the door is not unlocked before the pursuit, one can still get it open by reaching it before he does or during a fight with bandits, since Barbas cannot be killed at that point. The Dragonborn can also unlock the door and then close it again, and somehow Barbas will open the door himself.
PC PS3 Barbas is invincible when one tries to kill him and does not take correct actions. PC PS3 Barbas can sometimes go through the metal gate behind the Clavicus Vile shrine and start fighting the boss vampire behind it. PC PS3 Sometimes, when approaching Haemar's Shame, it will not say onscreen that it is discovered, but it is possible to fast travel to it. Clearing Rimerock Burrow will not affect the quest to retrieve the Rueful Axe.
PC Telling Barbas to wait inside Rimerock Burrow may cause him to disappear at the moment the Dragonborn takes the axe. PC PS3 Barbas may get lost on the path to the statue. In the moments the final dialogue is completed and Barbas becomes part of the statue, he may never actually catch up, which in turn disables the ability to have a follower.
Refer to the page's bug section for the PC version console command fix. Even when " A Daedra's Best Friend " is completed, the game will sometimes still show Barbas as an animal follower. This will prevent the Dragonborn from getting another animal follower.
PC Using the console command set PlayerAnimalCount to 0 will clear the animal follower state and allow the Dragornborn to acquire a new animal follower. If Barbas is given to a child in Hearthfire, this will happen. This can be done at Clavicus Vile's Shrine, before speaking to him for the first time. Barbas will not be hostile towards the Dragonborn now. PC Barbas will sometimes glitch and randomly become hostile to any follower. If the follower is in the essential faction, the two will constantly fight.
PC Solution: Reloading the last save will fix this. Barbas may appear randomly after any transition. This means they won't see or report any crimes players choose to commit. Even with a follower, players are free to steal and pickpocket without repercussions so long as no other NPCs are around to see the act. Barbas, however, is not technically counted as a proper follower, likely because of his quest status.
While on one hand this means players can recruit an additional follower and still keep Barbas around, it also means he doesn't follow the exact same behaviors as other potential companions.
Most notably? He'll report the Dragonborn if they are in his line of sight while committing a crime. Players will receive a bounty if Barbas sees them stealing - this, plus his aforementioned tendency to bark nonstop and bump into just about everything, makes him ill-suited to accompany a stealth-focused Dragonborn and a bad choice to have around during the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood questlines.
Travel to the Rimerock Burrow and retrieve the axe. You can keep it now and never turn it in and take advantage of the exploit see the following or do this:. When you return to Clavicus he will give you two options: 1. Kill the dog and keep the axe , or 2. After speaking with Clavicus Vile 's statue for the first time, if you never complete the quest, you may keep Barbas as a companion.
Since he is an animal follower , he is unable to carry anything, or follow directions. However, you may have him and at least one humanoid follower at the same time.