Where is cato new york

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Cato, New York. Click here to sign up for Ballotpedia's weekly newsletter. Attorney General of New York. Letitia James. Chief of Staff to the Governor of New York. Jeff Lewis. Governor of New York. Kathy Hochul. Lieutenant Governor of New York. Brian Benjamin. New York Commissioner of Agriculture. Richard A. New York Commissioner of Labor. Number of full-service restaurants : 58 This county : 7. New York : 8. Adult diabetes rate : Cayuga County : 8. Adult obesity rate : Cayuga County : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Cayuga County : Healthy diet rate : This city: Average overall health of teeth and gums : Cato: Average BMI : Here: People feeling badly about themselves : Here: People not drinking alcohol at all : This city: Average hours sleeping at night : Cato: 6.

Overweight people : Here: General health condition : This city: Average condition of hearing : Here: WMHR WZUN WRVO WYYY OF CEN. NY, INC. WKRH WNTQ WAK WLLW WAH WWHT WLTI Cato, New York Fatal accident count 16 Vehicles involved in fatal accidents 28 Fatal accidents involving drunk persons: 8 Fatalities 18 Persons involved in fatal accidents 37 Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents 0.

New York average Fatal accident count Vehicles involved in fatal accidents Fatal accidents involving drunk persons Fatalities Persons involved in fatal accidents Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents Choose year: Based on the data from the years - the average number of fire incidents per year is The highest number of fire incidents - 37 took place in , and the least - 7 in The data has a decreasing trend.

When looking into fire subcategories, the most incidents belonged to: Structure Fires Top Patent Applicants. NYC Crime Thread replies. NY Post reports Sliwa blasted orthodox Jews in bigoted rant 44 replies. Considering the Finger Lakes for a Vacation Home 30 replies. White flight in Long Island 75 replies. Members receive 10 FREE city profile downloads a month, unlimited access to our detailed cost of living calculator and analysis, unlimited access to our DataEngine, and more.

Enhanced Cost of Living Calculator Now includes childcare, taxes, health, housing for home owners vs renters, insurance costs and more when you upgrade to premium. Log In Sign Up. Median Age Download This Place. Best Places to Live in Cato Rankings. Housing Market in Cato. It's a good time to buy in Cato. Home Appreciation is up Try Now.

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