Where is deh dadi

It was originally planned to be open this past June. Torrance Cleveland also praised the expansion projects on the FOB. When they have a moment to re-set their minds with these little touches of home, it reminds them to stay focused and resilient. If we can give them a small thing like giving them a taste of home, that makes them a better soldier. It makes them more complete and allows them to do their job a little better and faster. Maintenance window scheduled to begin at February 14th est.

February 15th. Or login with Facebook. No keywords found. This asset is inappropriate for this site This asset may affect Operational Security. Pinckney was not able to see the completion of the school, as his tour has ended prior to the deadline. In his place, U. The young women display their ambition and the hope delivered to them by the partnership of their local government and ISAF to provide the beneficial resource.

The young women will attend classes in three shifts per day to accommodate the number of hungry minds eager for knowledge. The project possesses an undertone found in any institute of learning: an education is available, along with the possibility of a brighter future. Skip to main content Press Enter. News Feb. Vivian E. Gaz, commander of the U. Army th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion assists a teacher in cutting the ribbon during the opening ceremonies of a new school in Deh Dadi, Feb.

The school will serve as the learning environment for female students throughout the area.


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