No Viruses and no Trojans. Magic Workstation Morningtide all full pictures - High quality scans. Magic WorkstationPics folder. Make sure you have latest database. Magic Workstation 0. Fulls AND Crops. Magic Workstation Shadowmoor edition all full pictures - scans. Magic Workstation Eventide edition all full pictures from Wizards. Torrent Contents: Magic Workstation. Extract Magic Workstation. Install mwsf. Run Magic Workstation. Choose empty. When fully loaded, close the program.
Run MWS Online play and close it. At the very right of the button toolbar on the top pane is your card count. It should read " cards from ".
If it does not, reinstall the gamepack or start over from the beginning. Extract the two picture archives to the Magic WorkstationPics folder. Verify the pictures are working by simply selecting different cards in Workstation.
Copy the eventide. In Workstation, go to the Tools menu and choose Preferences. Select the Interface menu and change the Graphic Theme to "eventide. Click OK. Category: Unsorted Size: 1. Direct link. MagicWorkstation - software for CCG players. Automatic bind between card and rules with help file. High quality visual generation of the card. Posiibility to Last update 18 Jul.
Users rating:. Posiibility to save card in other picture formats. Printing of the deck, proxy-cards, rules to the cards in deck. Import of the rules and prices from the Internet.
Automatic update of the MWS via Internet. Smart-generation of the BoosterPacks and StarterPacks. User's inventory databases. User's price databases. For now, you can probably live without them. Here's a good site for images. Scars of Mirrodin. Mirrodin Besieged. New Phyrexia. Magic Core Set.
To stay ahead of the game you'll need to periodically update MWS by going here and downloading the new MasterBase and new Theme after each set is released.
The masterbase is the really critical file as it has the actual cards in it. It usually comes out within a week of a set's release. The theme is less critical as all it will do is give you the expansion symbol for that set.
Picture packs are wholly put together by the community and may come out several weeks after the set releases but definitely before the next set arrives. In order to update your masterbase or theme just download the new one, unpack it, and replace all the old files with the new ones.