Where to find groudon and kyogre in pokemon emerald

The scientist in the Weather Institute will tell you about their location. User Info: anthonian. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status I catch kyogre in sootpolis and I did not witness the clash of kyogre and groundon anymore?

Answered Where i find kyogre before he battle with groudon? Answered How do i catch kyogre and groudon and where to find them the second time? Answered Where do you go to see ryquaza stoping groundon and kyorge from fighting? Answered Grudon and Kyogre?

Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? I catch kyogre in sootpolis and I did not witness the clash of kyogre and groundon anymore? Where i find kyogre before he battle with groudon? How do i catch kyogre and groudon and where to find them the second time? Where do you go to see ryquaza stoping groundon and kyorge from fighting? How do i catch kyogre and groudon and where to find them the second time?

I need to figure out how i get groudon and kyogre. User Info: UnhappyBloody After u beat the e4 u need to go to the weather institute n the guy on the far left of the 2nd floor will tell u where the drought is Groudon n were the the storm is Kyogre hope this helps : : User Info: Brionic Second time?

I learned that the hard way : User Info: Mnamejeff. First beat the elite 4 then go to the weather institute nerd at the 2nd floor then when he says drought at what route that's groudon and g to that route and look for the cave and same for kyogre but only storm User Info: silverkyogre.

Oh and when you meet them save the game first before you battle if you defeat the you can't find them anymore User Info: silverkyogre. If its raining search a place to dive and go to a cave underwater and after that surface. You will enter in a cave and face kyogre, weaken it and sleep it and throw many ultra balls until you catch it.

If its drought,search a cave and battle groudon and do the same thing that you do with kyogre. Correspondingly, how do you get groudon and kyogre in Pokemon Emerald? The scientist at the Weather Institute on Route who gave you the Castform Pokemon knows where they are. Go talk to him and he'll mention a Route. Go there, look around for either mountain caves or dark water, climb or dive into them. You'll find Groudon waiting in the mountain caves or Kyogre in the dark water.

Beside above, where do you catch rayquaza in Emerald? You can find Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar, in the upper portion of route You'll have to go there when following the main quest when you'll have to "wake up" it after the start of the fight between Kyogre and Groudon. Answers Stop groudon and kyogre from fighting with rayquaza, who is at sky pillar, then talk to wallace.

First, you must to go to Seafloor Cavern and beat Aqua or Magma? You can't capture Mewtwo in Pokemon Emerald. But, there is a way to get your hands on one. Go to the Weather Institute and talk to the professor in the first floor. He will tell you where to go next. Route Rayquaza You could catch it before you meet the elite4.

How do I catch deoxys in Emerald? In order for you to get Deoxys, you need the Aurora Ticket to get to Birth Island, which could be downloaded through the old Generation's event called Mystery Gift. Disable the cheat. Save the game. Solve the triangle puzzle.


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