Which episode was the red wedding

But regardless of who marries who, in the world of thrones, one thing remains true: valar morghulis, bitches. In terms of relationships, Daenerys and Drogo's is one that actually ended up with a loving and equal partnership—that is, until Dany tries to save Drogo with witchcraft, he goes catatonic, and her baby comes out scaly, deformed, and dead.

Cool, cool. Not bad for season 1, ep 1. At least Dany gets a few moments of happiness with her sun and stars before her fate is realized. Ok, so this wedding technically doesn't end in immediate bloodshed; however, it is the catalyst for the infamous Red Wedding to follow. Held in secret in the forest by seductive torchlight, Robb marries Talisa despite being promised to one of the Frey sisters—did he really think he could get away with marrying for love?!

Arguably one of the more intensely violent moments in the show's history, the Red Wedding needs no introduction. Robb is stabbed through the heart and then decapitated. Talisa is murdered as her swollen pregnant belly is stabbed multiple times. Catelyn's throat is slit. The rest of the Stark bannermen are slaughtered. The End. He gets what's comin' to him, just you wait. Where her sister Sansa Stark dreams of being a lady and marrying a high lord, Arya only dreams of going off to war and becoming a knight.

Her dreams were shattered when she witnessed the execution of her father Ned Stark on false charges of treason and she decided to take the dark path of being an assassin. Her dark path was further propelled when she witnessed the Red Wedding. This was another incident that pushed Arya to her limits into her being such a badass. Initially training as a faceless assassin, she returned back to Westeros and emerged out as one of the serving girls at the Twins while the Lannisters and Freys celebrated their victory against the Tullys.

She first baked his sons into a pie and upon meeting Walder Frey alone, executed him by cutting his throat as he did to her mother in Season 6. The Red Wedding was truly a pivotal moment in Game of Thrones which pushed the story forward, giving many characters similar to Arya their arc.

She avenged the brutal murder of many Northern Houses of Westeros. Tell us in the comments. The trailer is short, but it still gives us enough information to keep us excited till the time the prequel airs.

The trailer starts and we have a blink and miss appearance by what seems like a dead Dragon. Can this be Balerion, the Black Dread? We know that Balerion died before the events of Dance of the Dragons occured and looking at the number of candles lit in front of the skull, it sure looks like the Dragon has to be someone as special as Balerion.

If you think otherwise, please let us know in the comments. Blackfyre is a Valyrian steel sword that was once wielded by Aegon the Conqueror and it is the most famous Valyrian steel sword owned by House Targaryen. The trailer also gives us a glimpse of another legendary Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister, though it is really difficult to spot it in the trailer and it is barely visible for a second. In the prequel, the sword will be wielded by Daemon Targaryen.

So thanks to the sword, we know that Daemon Targaryen is fighting in the scene. The most interesting part of the teaser trailer features Alicent Hightower holding the Valyrian Catspaw dagger in her hand and this is the third Valyrian blade that we get to see in the teaser trailer.

The dagger was used by Arya Stark to kill the Night King and it also featured in a number of important scenes in the show. We see a jousting event happening with two big banners of House Tarly in the background. That can mean only one thing, that the tourney is happening at Horn Hill. Also, in the same scene, we can see the sigils of both the participants. One happens to be a knight of House Tarly and the other belongs to House Cole and we are assuming that it might be Ser Criston Cole, who will be played by Fabien Frankel in the prequel.

This is a minor and maybe insignificant piece of information but seeing House Stark sigil in the trailer felt really good and we can also see the sigil of House Bolton next to the Stark sigil. It appears that House of the Dragon is going to do things differently and Iron Throne looks different from the one that we have been used to seeing all these years in the Game of Thrones TV series. As we mentioned in our earlier article , the Iron Throne looks similar to what George R.

Martin imagined it to look like. The artwork was done by Marc Simonetti for George R. What are your thoughts about the details mentioned above? If we missed any details, let us know in the comments section. Do read our article to know everything we know about the cast of House of The Dragon.

When discussed now, fans seem to still have a bad taste in their mouths from the lackluster final season. However, there was a time when the show was the most popular thing on television. Fans were raving about it as one of the greatest shows of all time and it was filled with unforgettable moments that helped it become the most talked-about pop culture item.

Perhaps the show's biggest moment was the infamous Red Wedding that is still regarded as a high-point in the series' run. But as impactful as that moment was, it could also have played a big role in the eventual downfall of Game of Thrones.

The Red Wedding is an event that takes place in episode 9 of the third season entitled "The Rains of Castamere. In need of help to defeat the Lannisters, Robb makes a deal with Walder Frey, the lord of the Twins who Robb had previously promised to marry his daughter thus bolstering Frey's power in Westeros. Though Frey initially abandoned Robb's cause after the King in the North broke their pact and married his true love Talisa, he agrees with the new deal which will see Robb's uncle Edmure Tully marry the Frey daughter instead.

But while the wedding festivities start off friendly enough, it ends up being a trap and Frey has Robb's army slaughtered, his pregnant wife stabbed to death and his direwolf killed before Robb and his mother Catelyn are executed as well. At this point in the story, Robb Stark was the hero most fans expected to avenge the death of his father, Ned Stark. But just like Ned, Robb trusted the wrong people, and his heroic journey was cut short in a shocking and brutal way.

The moment further cemented the idea that no one was safe in this show and that the villains often win by playing dirty. It also threw an unpredictable element into the show as Robb's march on King's Landing felt like such a central focus.

Season 5 had its low points especially if you were unlucky enough to be a female character , but it managed to ramp things back up to fever pitch for the finale. Stannis's end. Sansa's daring jump. Daenerys's capture. The episode was stuffed to the brim with cliffhangers, and there can be no denying that Jon Snow's fate has spawned more speculation than any other event in the show's five years. In a world full of some very unlikeable people, our love for Peter Dinklage's Tyrion Lannister burns ever brighter.

So how could our indignation over his totally unfair trial not be equally burning? Try to watch this episode and not feel bitter hatred for Tywin, Cersei and the treacherous Shae. And when Tyrion finally lets vent to his frustrations to all the great and good of King's Landing, it's pure and beautiful poetry. The place where it all began.

As professional nerds, we know firsthand the traditional contempt for the fantasy genre, so to see this made-up mediaeval setting grab the attention of the world is a beautiful thing to see.


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