Even when deep frying in a tall pot, too much fish at one time will cool the oil down far too much. On that note, as you add fish, the oil will cool. Between them, I let the oil come back up to temp. This may sound strange, but never lay your fried fish on paper towels to drain. I know this is a popular technique, but it holds the cooling oil next to the fish as it rests, reducing its crispiness and encouraging it to absorb even more.
What I recommend instead is air drying on a cookie or oven rack. Place paper towels under the feet of the rack to catch the oil that will inevitably drip, but let the air do the work of drying.
I love fish, and I have many fond memories of fish fries, grilling parties, and fresh trout straight from the oven. I have had rainbow trout in a restaurant and was not that impressed. I have yet to try crappie or walleye. Currently set to Index.
Currently set to Follow. Last Updated: January 4th, About The Author. Pete D. Notify of. Newest Oldest Most Voted. Inline Feedbacks. Catching bluegills in clean and cool waters to have an enhanced sweet taste and tender meat. It comes in different kinds of species of various sizes.
It can be grilled, fried, baked, or broiled. The brook, brown, and rainbow trout ate the tastiest trout, especially if they come from indoor circulating tanks. These trouts have a pink or orange color. Since it has low levels of mercury, it can be served regularly. The fresher the trout, the richer the taste is. It only has a few pin bones that can be removed easily. It can be fillet, grilled, smoked, baked, and fried. For a large size harvest, you can make fish stew or chowder.
Its flesh easily spoils, so you need to have a bucket with ice ready when you catch it. That is, if you cook it. It was my friend Tom The Hungry Cyclist that first suggested giving chub the ceviche treatment and it worked a treat. If any freshwater species is guilty of tasting muddy, then it is the carp.
Due to increasing pressure on our saltwater stocks and adoration from Eastern Europeans in the UK, consumption of this fish is beginning to rise for the first since the middle ages. Again, the flesh is firm and meaty and stands up to a variety of different ways of cooking, although baking is the best method.
Their method to rid these fish of any hint of mud is to transfer them into natural spring fed tanks a week before harvest. The sinister pike is another excellent eating fish. Not only are they cannibals, regularly feasting on other pike often more than half their own size, as Ted Hughes described in his poem Pike. They also have almost unlimited confidence: there have been reports of attacks on humans and in one instance a large pike was found that had choked to death on a swan.
Their mouths contain a series of backward-pointing teeth: once something goes in, it's not coming out. Pike can also grow to alarming size - the British record presently stands at a mighty 46lbs 13oz.
Even dead pike have a secret weapon; once cooked they possess a substantial number of Y-shaped bones along the fillet. Once removed they have a mild taste which is quite pleasant, and I recommend referring to Larousse for recipes such as pike quenelles and pike au beurre blanc. You might ask ten different people and get ten different answers about the tastiest fish. Catfish is one of the most popular freshwater fish, and for good reason.
Catfish are found in freshwater sources all over the world, and have actually inhabited every continent at some point. Their texture is a bit denser than many other freshwater fish, and less flaky. Catfish can be fried, baked, grilled, or charred. If you live in North America, then you know bass as one of the most prominent freshwater fish. Bass were originally native to eastern and central North America, but have been introduced in many locations throughout the world since.
Bass is white and flaky, but still quite dense in texture. Bass is a versatile fish, and fillets can be baked, fried, seared, grilled, and more! There are many delicious recipes to enjoy this popular fish. Trout is another delicious option, found in freshwater lakes and rivers all across North America, Asia, Europe, and more.
Trout has a milder flavor profile compared to many fish. We love pan seared trout with Mediterranean spices and some olive oil. Salmon is notable for orange-red color. It is a great source of protein and Omega-3s.